What do our reviewers think about the Swatch List?

Posted by Sarah Wadey
on March 05, 2021

We’re loving hearing how you are using your Swatch List packs to learn about new fabrics and build your confidence when shopping for fabrics online!

Find out more about The Swatch List subscription here!

We gave a few lucky testers a preview of the packs and here’s what they had to say:


“I think it’s a great idea and very useful, particularly at the moment with the inability to visit fabric shops. I think this is ideal for both beginner and intermediate sewists that are looking to improve their basic fabric knowledge and get a sense of the fabric types available and how they might be described in online listings.

Personally, I will store and use the swatches as a resource when ordering fabric online or when considering fabrics for future projects. They could serve as both creative inspiration and a reference library of technical information.

The information you provide is great. I think the needle requirements and weight information is particularly useful. I think the swatch itself is a good size.”



“I think it is a great idea for so many reasons...mainly the opportunity to touch and feel fabric! The fabric specifications are most useful. I don't know names and forget post purchase - by the time I do a project I have forgotten.

I love this service. Since lockdown it has been a bit isolating from others sharing and encouragement to try projects. Any feeling of being in a " club" is very welcome albeit virtual!”


“I loved the idea.  Knowledge of fabrics is something that’s always scared me about dressmaking.  I read what the patterns suggest but I don’t know what I’m looking at when I go out buying and I always have to ask or be pointed in the right direction.  Depending on where I’m shopping, this can be a little off-putting and time can be wasted when stores are busy.

I would likely use the cards as a reference when I’ve got a pattern in mind to get a better idea in my head of the end result.  I thought the information on the back was a brilliant idea. Especially the needle selection.  This is something I’ve always struggled to remember.

The booklet is fab. I love that there are suggested patterns, the fibre features is particularly useful and the little tips about when to include lining etc. are helpful too.

The information is clear and easy to understand, especially for beginners to dressmaking.”



“I found the packs really beneficial as a beginner sewer. I.e the note around stretch cotton twill, I would never have thought this would be good to make a pair of skinny jeans with! 

I can’t fault the brochure; I genuinely found it super informative and I certainly learnt a thing or two. I love the article in the back.

Delivery was also good and it’s handy that it fits through the postbox as my postie does like to leave things on the doorstep and not even knock... 

The Swatch List Plus sounds fab - the free delivery is a big incentive.”

All reviews were given in exchange for a free tester preview copy of the January Swatch List pack.


Becky created a little video review to talk through exactly what is in the pack and her thoughts on how she would use it. Take a look at her video here. 


We’d love to hear what you think and how you’re using your swatches!

You can leave a review of the Swatch list on the product page here or drop us an email at info@craftysewando.com

You can also share any pictures of your projects plans and makes inspired by the Swatch List on Instagram or Facebook using #TheSwatchList or #FromSwatchToSwish.

At the end of each month (starting from March 2021) we’ll be giving away a little prize to our favourite and all entries using this hashtag will be counted!

Happy stroking and Happy Sewing! ­­