Join us for our first open day!
Join us for our first open day in the new studio!
After all the uncertainty of the last 14 months, we are go glad to be able to invite you back to Crafty HQ, in our new studio! As soon was we were in, we began planning how soon we could have you come visit and we can’t wait to see you face to face. We’ve missed you since we closed our doors in St Martin’s, it will be so great to have you come visit us in our new home.
Book your ticket to
Come visit us on Saturday 8th May!

The day will be split into time slots, with limited numbers at each session to enable us to socially distance as you browse our fabrics and patterns. Masks will be required too. It’s really important to us that you are comfortable in our space, and everyone feels safe and relaxed.
We’re charging a £5 deposit for each person, this will be redeemed against any purchases made on the day, fabrics, patterns, kits or workshops.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer tea and cakes at this first open day, but if you want to make a day of your visit, there are lots of cafes and bars locally which are offering outside seating and take always. Hopefully next time we can offer you refreshments!
For those of you haven’t already visited the makers yard, it is a fantastic listed building, an ex-hosiery factory in fact! It’s right next to the Curve Theatre at 84 Rutland Street. More details about how to access the building will be given when you book your ticket.
If you’re planning to travel by bus, most buses stop on Charles Street which is a five minute walk from The Makers Yard.
If coming by car, we'd recommend parking at the Phoenix which has parking for £1 per hour.
We will be planning more open days, we’d like to run them often as we can, so keep an eye out for more dates soon.