Introducing our new fabric subscription - The Swatch List!
Join The Swatch List!
Our new subscription service The Swatch List, aims to bring a little of the tactile in-store shopping experience direct to you in the comfort of your own home.

Each month, as well as a host of other benefits, you’ll receive a hand-picked selection of fabrics accompanied by a fact-packed mini magazine to help you learn more about all the fabrics so you can make informed decisions when fabric shopping online and choose the right fabric for the right project for you.

You’ve probably laid in bed at night dreaming of the perfect fabric for that new garment and imagining the way it drapes and folds and glides through the machine.
Feeling the fabric helps us to guess how it will behave, how to work with it and if it will be the right choice for our idea.

The Swatch list will not only provide you with a selection of beautiful fabrics to caress and enjoy, the accompanying mini-magazine provides in-depth details about the fabrics, fibres, washing, cutting and sewing advice plus project ideas and pattern pairing inspiration.

We offer 2 types of subscription:
The Swatch List
- £10 p/m with £5 redeemable against any purchase in the following month
- 5 fabric swatches in presentation card cases
- Mini-magazine with fabric info, project and pattern match ideas and sewing advice for each fabric
- Rewards for loyalty – storage boxes, special discounts and lots more nice suprises
The Swatch List Plus
- £14 p/m with £8 redeemable against any purchase in the following month
- All of the benefits of The Swatch List and…
- Unlimited free postage on any orders over £10 made in the subscription month (1st-31st)

Subscriptions are now open and will close on 20th January. You will receive your pack in the first week of the subscription month. The first packs will be delivered in the first week of February.
We're really excited to share our newest and most exciting fabrics with you first!
Join the Swatch List Now!